Training Course

Course Massage Trị Liệu
Nắm vững các kỹ thuật massage trị liệu chuyên nghiệp thông khóa học massage trị liệu uy tín, bài bản, chương trình phù hợp với…

Course Nourishing shampoo
Fully updated information on hair washing and health care courses with modern techniques at affordable costs, suitable...

Hairdressing Course Professional
Hairdressing courses at Seoul Academy focus on practicing on real models, with a curriculum updated according to trends…

Nail Course Nail Design
Tham gia khóa học nail tại Seoul Academy bạn sẽ được học kỹ thuật chăm sóc, cắt da, trang trí vẽ móng như đính đá,…
Makeup Course Personal - Professional
Ưu điểm khi học makeup tại Seoul Academy: Hỗ trợ miễn phí mỹ phẩm và dụng cụ học tập; Thời gian học linh động; Nhiều…
Eyelash Extension Course Professional
Comprehensive and professional eyelash extension course at Seoul Academy with a team of highly qualified and experienced instructors in teaching…
Spa Course Professional
Seoul Academy will introduce the professional spa course in detail in the article. The information will help you choose the course…
Course cosmetic tattoo
Seoul Academy's cosmetic tattoo course is built according to international standards. With the goal of training professional human resources…
Spa Course Installment Payment
Seoul Academy has partnered with the bank to launch the Spa Installment Program. With the desire to support young people who want to…
High-Tech Spa Equipment Training Course
Beauty requires the use of modern equipment. Understanding that, Seoul Academy opens a training course on Spa technology machinery...
Intensive spa course
After just one intensive spa course at Seoul Academy, you can confidently apply for a job anywhere...
Training Courses Spa Manager
Spa management course taught directly by large corporate management consultants to share practical experience on…
Course Cosmetic Skin Care
Khóa học chăm sóc da chuyên nghiệp được thiết kế nội dung gồm: chăm sóc da cơ bản đến nâng cao và thực hành kỹ…
Course Body Massage
The body massage course at Seoul Academy provides a solid professional foundation for students. This will help you…